Easter is the Christian holy period that runs from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, (including the two previous days) from the liturgical point of view. It is the period of most intense activity within the Church, as the week in which it is a memorial of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On that form are:
Holy Week in the Christian liturgical year week before Easter. Special celebrations remind the institution of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, Scripture readings, prayers, solemn, and the veneration of the cross recalls the crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday. Holy Saturday commemorates the burial of Christ trades midnight vigil inaugurated the celebration of Easter. Both the Roman Catholic and Christian Orthodox Easter called 'Semana Grande', because it commemorates the great deeds and sacrifices for God to redeem mankind.
Given the importance of the celebration of Sorrows of the Virgin Mary (Good Friday), the Friday before Palm Sunday, in some places there are processions, consisting take some pictures of the street. In the two previous days: Good Friday and Easter Saturday, so it is considered Easter, from Good Friday until Easter Sunday, even in places Easter lengthens the days to Sunday Easter (Monday and Tuesday of Glory).